I don't know about you, but I LOVE to see a child eat healthy food. I know sweet peas were my food of choice when I was a baby. Now, they are my least favorite veggie; however, I'm trying to form a love for them again. Isn't it crazy how babies love veggies, and many adults hate them. You would think the opposite would be true. But think about when babies go from breastmilk to solid food, you start them out with veggies and fruits....not junk.
I love health and animals, but I have a huge passion for babies & children. I believe God's plan is for me to work with children, and hopefully one day become a wonderful mother. Currently, I am blessed to work as a nanny of two beautiful and special children. As a caregiver, I obviously make sure the children are fed and that all of their health needs are met. I really respect the way the parents feed the children. Both children are vegetarians (which is actually the childrens' choice). They do not and will not eat meat. The children eat mainly organic food, and they love a lot of veggies & fruits. Many studies and doctors suggest that children be on a vegan/vegetarian diet. Dr. Spock actually recommends that children be served plant-based diets (aka vegan diets).
I know that the majority of the people reading this post are not parents. I, myself, am not a parent, and won't be for a while. However, being a caregiver has me thinking about how parents want the best for their children health wise. Think about it: you would never think to not feed your child breakfast, let them eat junk food all day long, and then let them sit on the couch all day watching television. Atleast, I would HOPE you wouldn't. You would never go through the line at Starbucks and order them a tall sugary laced coffee drink because they were tired and irritable. You would never let them smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and let them stay up all night. So, my question is...why do we do these things to ourselves?? Shouldn't we treat our own bodies with the same nurturing care and respect that we give our children?
I think a good rule of thumb would be to ask yourself, "Would I let my own child eat this/do this?" And again, I know we are not all parents; but, we have to think of our bodies as precious temples that need the same nurturing care and nutrition that we would want to give a precious child. There is just something so fufilling and satisfying about being a vegan. Every time I eat something healthy, I feel like I am treating myself with that same nurturing care that I would give to a child.
Here are some pictures of cute little veggie lovers to make you smile :) :
Vegan children (from http://www.thekindlife.com/):
Great point! I never thought about it like that!
ReplyDeleteOh, I found a product you might like! I haven't tried it yet, but I'm going to the health food store after work to see if they carry it. Whole Foods does, so you have to get it!